Yellowstone Flora & Fauna
Burrowing Beasts: Children's Paintings

Mammals in the Studio

Mammals in my StudioTomorrow I begin a series of offerings for the King County Library System's Summer Reading Program. The theme this summer is animals, and I chose burrowing mammals as my subject because I have seen so many of them in the wild places I love to visit. I am planning to teach children how to sketch and paint marmots, badgers, pikas, and moles, among others. I have worked with Jeff Bradley several times before; he is a mammalogist at the Burke Museum and he has helped me come up with wonderful specimens for my students to paint. This time he really outdid himself, presenting me with 3 beautiful mounted specimens: from left in my studio you can see a mountain beaver, a Columbia ground squirrel and a yellow-bellied marmot. I had so much fun sharing my studio with them yesterday and studying them to draw and paint them.


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