Print: Tiger Lily, Lupine and Fern
November 25, 2016
I've been looking through new prints to post on the website and realized that even though this print is not new, I have never offered it for sale on the site. It is one of my favorites, because I saw it with a group of students from the North Cascades Institute up at the Goodell Creek Canpground, just off highway 20. I loved how it grew thickly surrounded by lupine and ferns, and it reminds me of the excitement we all felt as we wandered among the amazing display of lupines--even though they were cultivars, and not really native to the roadside where they had been planted. Long ago the gardeners at Newhalem had scattered seed of the huge hybrids and they took to the moist sunny site quite happily. I am creating a new category for this print: Wildflowers. I plan to do some designs of new flower ideas--some tiny wonders I saw at Lava Beds National Monument back in May, among others.